Safety Management and Oversight
Targa champions safety across the entire organization, resulting in stronger and more resilient operations. We aim to invest in programs that safeguard our employees and communities. We empower our employees to contribute to the overall safety of our Company, embedding a culture of safety in our workforce. We believe “Zero is Achievable”, and we continue to seek to deliver our products and services without any injuries.
Safety Training
We offer comprehensive safety training to our employees through a variety of mediums, such as in-person, online, and asynchronous. We also offer safety role- and position-specific training. Newly hired site employees receive applicable formal safety training during their orientation, which includes an overview of safety procedures and protocols.
Emergency Response Planning and Preparedness
We aim to be a responsible and reliable member of our community. We have established processes to prepare and respond to a varied number and levels of emergencies that may impact our people (e.g., our employees, contractors, and communities) and operations (e.g., our facilities and assets).
Emergency Response Program
To prepare for a wide range of emergencies, we have established a Crisis Management Plan that was developed to cover any incident or event. This plan underscores the guidelines stated in the ES&H Policy and is overseen by our Executive team. The Plan outlines and helps ensure that all necessary resources are available and accessible to our employees should an emergency occur. In the case that a significant incident or emergency does occur, the emergency is investigated by a team trained in root cause analysis, and the findings and relevant action items are reviewed in a safety meeting, which may include members of the Executive team.